Annual Fund
Gifts made to the Visitors Center Annual Fund ensure McDonald Observatory’s work in science education and public outreach continues and reaches as many people as possible. Hands-on STEM experiences for students, teacher professional development workshops, Visitors Center star parties, and our flagship StarDate Radio program, which reaches listeners on over 300 stations a day, are a few of the education and outreach initiatives that the Annual Fund gifts support.
To give a 100% tax-deductible gift to the Visitors Center Annual Fund, donate online or mail a check to the address below. Please note that McDonald Observatory is a research unit of the College of Natural Sciences at UT Austin. Thank you for partnering with us in this important work.
Checks should be made out to “The University of Texas at Austin,” and please include a memo or note that says “McDonald Observatory, VC Annual Fund”.
The McDonald Observatory Annual Fund
2515 Speedway C1402
Austin, TX 78712
Call: 512-471-3303