Media Policies

McDonald Observatory is famous for its inspiring views of dark skies and rugged scenery. It’s no surprise that many visitors want to capture their experience through photography, video, and other forms of art.

If you are creating media for your personal use, only the Guidelines section below applies to your visit. Don’t forget to tag us:


  • No White Lights After Dark: We are an extremely light sensitive area. No white lights are allowed after sunset. Red lights are okay as long as they don't cause a disruption. If your equipment has any lights, please cover them with tape (our staff can provide you with some).
  • No Drones: The use of drones/UAVs on McDonald Observatory property is prohibited by The University of Texas at Austin without explicit permission. Read more about the policy here.
  • No Commercial Use: No commercial photography or videography (for advertisements, catalogs, commercials, etc.) is allowed at McDonald Observatory (see Commercial Use, below).
  • Stay on Paths: We are an ecologically sensitive region. Plus, many of the local plants have spines and stickers.
  • Respect the Observatory and Its Guests: Media visits are only permitted if they do not negatively affect the experience of our guests. We reserve the right to remove anyone that causes a nuisance, harasses guests or staff, or is disrespectful to our site.

News and Press

Please contact us to obtain assistance before conducting interviews or creating audiovisual content about the Observatory. We can help connect you with faculty and staff, recommend locations, facilitate access, and provide high resolution images.

For more information, contact

TV, Film, and Documentaries

McDonald Observatory can accommodate filming for TV programs, student films, educational documentaries, and similar. 

Productions must: 

  1. Be approved by McDonald Observatory 
  2. Obtain a permit from The University of Texas at Austin
  3. Carry insurance
  4. Pay a film fee, determined by UT Austin
  5. Follow UT Austin’s filming guidelines and McDonald Observatory’s Guidelines (above)

For more information, contact

Commercial Use

In accordance with The University of Texas at Austin rules, external organizations cannot use McDonald Observatory for commercial purposes, including for advertisements, stock video, merchandise promotion, and any work that implies endorsement of a business or organization (including nonprofits).

Visitor Photo Consent

McDonald Observatory is a facility where photographs, videos, and audio recordings may occur. Anyone entering the premises consents to the use of their photograph, video, image, voice, and/or likeness by the Observatory for promotion of our mission in any and all media and on any and all platforms, in perpetuity, without remuneration.