Exploring Galaxies and the Cosmos

Galaxy Classification Activity

Click here to link to the activity online

(It's recommended to review the online activity before downloading the following PDF files)

Student Worksheet
Student Image Sheet
Hubble Classification Sheet

Multi-wavelength Astronomy Activity

An activity about gathering and interpreting astronomical data in many wavelengths

Multi-wavelength Astronomy - The Teacher's Guide (PDF)
Standards and suggestions for implementation, and general instructions and answers to questions in Student Guide.

Student Guide and Worksheet
The main activity sheet - also contains information on the telescopes used to gather images on the galaxy cards.

False Coloring
Student exercise on resolution and false colors

Accompanying PowerPoint
Many color images of galaxies, as well as an evaluation exercise, are included in the PowerPoint presentation.

Galaxy Cards

Cards with galaxy images, used in the student worksheet

  • Black images on a white background (that is, negatives) are provided in this PDF document (Recommended, saves toner and paper), OR
  • White images on a black background are provided in this PDF document
  • An extended set for evaluation are provided in this PDF document (optional)

Optional Materials

Telescopes used to obtain the images are provided in this PDF document

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills
TEKS related to the activity

Lives of Stars Activity

A "dramatic" look at Stellar Evolution

Stellar Evolution - The Teacher's Guide
Standards and suggestions for implementation, and general instructions and answers to questions in Student Guide

Student Guide and Worksheet
The "drama" for students plus worksheets

The Galaxies and Cosmos Explorer Tool
An online tool to investigate galaxies

Support from NASA grants NAG5-13063 and NASA NNG 06GB99G, NSF grant AST-0607748 to Principle Investigator Dr. Shardha Jogee and a Faculty And Student Teams for Technology (FAST Tex) award from the University of Texas Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment (DIIA) is gratefully acknowledged.