
Super Planet Crash

Super Planet Crash is an online game created by Univ. of Texas astronomer Dr. Stefano Meschiari in conjunction with Dr. Greg Laughlin and others at The University of Calif., Santa Cruz. Credit: Systemic Collaboration


Systemic Live

Systemic Live is an educational website to help the public understand more about extrasolar planets, created by Univ. of Texas astronomer Dr. Stefano Meschiari in conjunction with Dr. Greg Laughlin and others at The University of Calif., Santa Cruz. Credit: Systemic Live Collaboration


AEP Texas Funds West Texas School Trips

AEP Texas has granted $3,000 to McDonald Observatory to fund scholarships for West Texas schoolchildrent to visit the Observatory during the 2009-2010 school year. Pictured with presentation check, left to right, are: Sandra Preston (Observatory Assistant Director for Education and Outreach), Joel Barna (Observatory Development Officer), Graham Dodson of AEP Texas, and Dr. David L. Lambert (Director of McDonald Observatory).

File aep_check1.tif

Lonestar Supercomputer

The Lonestar supercomputer is a resource of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin. It is a Dell Linux cluster with 5,840 processing cores, and a peak performance of 62 teraflops (62 trillion floating-point operations per second). Since its launch in 2006, Lonestar has provided more than 85 million computing hours to approximately 1,100 researchers across the nation. Credit: TACC/UT-Austin

