
Dr. Frank Bash, director of McDonald Observatory 1989-2003, explains how McDonald was built on the frontier, but now stands on a scientific frontier. He discusses the Observatory's contributions to solving important astronomical problems. Recorded Oct. 19, 2013. (TRT=1:00:46)

In 2014, McDonald Observatory will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the dedication of its first telescope, the 82-inch reflector (now the Otto Struve Telescope). This grand dame of telescopes is still in use today. Includes footage from the 1939 dedication. (TRT=6:43)

Dr. Harlan J. Smith, director of McDonald Observatory 1963-1989, gives a talk on the Observatory's history for its 50th anniversary in 1989. Includes interviews with scientists and engineers involved in the Observatory's early days. (TRT=57:39)

This brief history of McDonald Observatory narrated by StarDate's Sandy Wood covers the Observatory's founding and two current major projects: a study of dark energy and a partnership to build the world's largest telescope. (TRT=5:00)

Learn about McDonald Observatory, its location, what it's like to live there. See great aerial views of telescope domes, and watch Texas elementary and secondary teachers enjoy an astronomy workshop. (TRT=10:20)